Add note in single tap
Save and discard button
Auto save on back press
Searching with highlighted keyword
Sort by edit date or alphabet
Send/Receive text to/from another app
Backup/Restore to/from a backup file
Export/Import to/from text (.txt) files
Customizable appearance and behavior
Full screen viewer for read only mode
Develop by SynPackage
Prioritizing in simplicity, speed and black theme
Menambahkan catatan di tekan tunggal
Simpan dan tombol membuang
Auto menghemat pers kembali
Mencari dengan kata kunci yang disorot
Urutkan berdasarkan tanggal mengedit atau alfabet
Kirim / Menerima teks ke / dari aplikasi lain
Backup / Restore untuk / dari file backup
Ekspor / Impor ke / dari teks (.txt) file
Penampilan disesuaikan dan perilaku
Layar penuh viewer hanya modus baca
Berkembang dengan SynPackage
Memprioritaskan dalam kesederhanaan, kecepatan dan tema hitam
Add note in single tap
Save and discard button
Auto save on back press
Searching with highlighted keyword
Sort by edit date or alphabet
Send/Receive text to/from another app
Backup/Restore to/from a backup file
Export/Import to/from text (.txt) files
Customizable appearance and behavior
Full screen viewer for read only mode
Develop by SynPackage
Prioritizing in simplicity, speed and black theme